Emotional Regulation, Increased Attention Span, Impulse Control, Mood Balance, and Better Sleep

With a NeurOptimal® neurofeedback device rental.

We’ll never share your info with anyone.

Increased Attention Span

This means you and your family can concentrate longer, learn more efficiently, and achieve better results at school/work and in other tasks.

Emotional Regulation

This means you and your family can manage stress, face challenges calmly, and build stronger relationships.

Better Sleep

This means you and your family will be more focused, productive, and happier throughout the day.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes. The NeurOptimal® neurofeedback system is FDA-approved for use by everyone, including children, and is considered side-effect free.

  • Yes! We encourage families to train with neurofeedback together. When they do, the positive effects can be much stronger.

  • No! We include everything your family needs to successfully train with the neurofeedback system. If you run out of supplies, we will happily send you more free of charge.

  • Most people need between 20 and 40 sessions for their results to last long-term. That being said, some people need less sessions and some people need more than 40 sessions. You will know when the results are sticking when you feel consistently better from symptoms.

  • It is safe for each family member to do up to two neurofeedback sessions per day.

  • A session lasts 33 minutes. During a session, you relax while the system reads your brain activity via sensors and plays music back to you with an integrated feedback protocol. This is generally a very soothing experience.

  • During sessions you may read a book, look at your phone, take a nap, or anything else as long as you can hear the auditory feedback from the system.

  • We provide you with detailed instructions, an instructional video, and 7 days per week customer support in case you need help. Most people find the systems easy to use.

Emotional Regulation, Increased Attention Span, Impulse Control, Mood Balance, and Better Sleep

With a NeurOptimal® neurofeedback device rental.