NeurOptimal Neurofeedback for Total Fitness

We help train our athletes through the effortless process of neurofeedback that helps to promote mental resilience and flexibility. Our neurofeedback training programs can be easily integrated into any athlete’s training regimen and allow for them to experience mental performance gains while recovering in-between competition and/or physical training. In addition to increased mental performance, neurofeedback sessions will help to promote optimal recovery, increased well-being, improved hand-eye coordination, improved pattern-recognition and logic, and much more.

Attention and focus.

Optimal sports performance requires that an athlete maintain calm and focus under pressure while ignoring external distracting stimuli. This equates to placing heavy demands on the brain as one seeks to perform at their highest potential. Neurofeedback assists with the promotion of stress management and mental acuity, which equates to being able to stay on task, process information quickly, and maintain a high level of situational judgement to make sound decisions in a fast-paced environment.

Sleep management.

Every athlete knows that sleep is one of the most essential components to optimal performance. Sleep is required for an athlete’s mind and body to recover fully from a hard day of training and/or competition, and without enough of it one can see a marked decrease in their ability to perform and achieve peak fitness. Neurofeedback helps with sleep management and the promotion of healthy sleep habits to support the improvement of recovery and overall athletic performance.

Performance anxiety.

The words performance anxiety can be a trigger in a room full of athletes. Even the best in the world have suffered from this highly dreaded mental and physical state. The presence or absence of high levels of performance anxiety can make the difference between an athlete's successful or unsuccessful performance. Neurofeedback helps with the promotion of emotional control, which equates to better management of mood stabilization and emotional perception, including one’s ability to manage stress and performance anxiety.